Monthly Revenue
We know the numbers have to be right. From Return on Investment (ROI) to Lifetime Value of a Client (LTV) to Client Acquisition Costs (CAC)… we’ve crunched the numbers.
Here’s why you can’t afford not to join.
Monthly Investment
We know the numbers have to be right. From Return on Investment (ROI) to Lifetime Value of a Client (LTV) to Client Acquisition Costs (CAC)… we’ve crunched the numbers.
Here’s why you can’t afford not to join.
Create your own plan, simply.
Create your own plan, simply.
Revenue Share
Our top line, goes straight to your bottom line.
Revenue Share
Our top line, goes straight to your bottom line.
Membership Revenue Share - 50%
Monthly Recurring Revenue
We pay your Practice 50% of revenue collected from your plan sales each month to create an
additional recurring income stream. This enables you to earn revenue whether an In-House Plan patient
visits regularly or not.Platform, Service & Marketing
The remaining 50% covers all the expenses associated with operating the mySimple Dental Platform;
Member Materials, Practice Branded Website, Automated Billing & Collections, State Compliance, Updates,
Support, etc. This also fuels the marketing engine to continue to drive new patients to your Practice.
Membership Revenue Share - 50%
Monthly Recurring Revenue
We pay your Practice 50% of revenue collected from your plan sales each month to create an additional recurring income stream. This enables you to earn revenue whether an In-House Plan patient visits regularly or not.
Platform, Service & Marketing
The remaining 50% covers all the expenses associated with operating the mySimple Dental Platform; Member Materials, Practice Branded Website, Automated Billing & Collections, State Compliance, Updates, Support, etc. This also fuels the marketing engine to continue to drive new patients to your Practice.
Patient Treatment Revenue - 100%
Your Plan, Your Patients
By signing up new Patients to your own Practice Branded Discount Dental Plan, you not only create a vehicle to retain
them long term but you also set the Fee Schedule and keep 100% of the revenue associated with the service provided.
In other words, Lifetime Value of a Client (LTV) up and Client Acquisition Costs (CAC) down.Keep Patients Coming Back
According to the Health Policy Institute (HPI), over 40% of adults forgo dental care because of cost. By creating your own Discount Dental Plan, your Practice is able to not only educate patients on the importance of regular dental treatment towards their overall health but also offer a solution that addresses the most common obstacle to receiving it.
Patient Treatment Revenue - 100%
Your Plan, Your Patients
By signing up new Patients to your own Practice Branded Discount Dental Plan, you not only create a vehicle to retain them long term but you also set the Fee Schedule and keep 100% of the revenue associated with the service provided. In other words, Lifetime Value of a Client (LTV) up and Client Acquisition Costs (CAC) down.
Keep Patients Coming Back
According to the Health Policy Institute (HPI), over 40% of adults forgo dental care because of cost. By creating your own Discount Dental Plan, your Practice is able to not only educate patients on the importance of regular dental treatment towards their overall health but also offer a solution that addresses the most common obstacle to receiving it.
Referral Revenue Share - 10%
Another Revenue Stream
Spread the word… We pay your Practice 10% of revenue collected from plan sales each month from any Practices you refer to us that sign up for our Platform. Think about that, you’re able to generate additional revenue for your Practice from Patients getting the care they need whether you provide it directly or not. That’s a win / win.
Dentist's Helping Dentist's
Chances are as a Dentist, you know a few other Dentists right? For us it’s simple then… offer a Platform that gives Dentist’s an opportunity to not only improve their business but also improve patient care and then
offer those same Dentist’s an incentive to tell their colleagues about it. Why wouldn’t you?
Referral Revenue Share - 10%
Another Revenue Stream
Spread the word… We pay your Practice 10% of revenue collected from plan sales each month from any Practices you refer to us that sign up for our Platform. Think about that, you’re able to generate additional revenue for your Practice from Patients getting the care they need whether you provide it directly or not. That’s a win / win.
Dentist's Helping Dentist's
Chances are as a Dentist, you know a few other Dentists right? For us it’s simple then… offer a Platform that gives Dentist’s an opportunity to not only improve their business but also improve patient care and then offer those same Dentist’s an incentive to tell their colleagues about it. Why wouldn’t you?
Three Ways to Grow My Practice
Whether you Sign Up a new member, Service them or Refer another Dentist to us…
Your Dental Practice Revenue continues to grow.
You Sign Up /
You Treat Patient
Patient Treatment Revenue
Your Practice sets the Fee Schedule and retains 100% of the revenue generated from providing a lifetime of service to your Members.
Membership Plan Revenue
Your Practice earns 50% of the Membership Fee because you signed up a new Member in your office.
We Sign Up /
You Treat Patient
Patient Treatment Revenue
Your Practice sets the Fee Schedule and retains 100% of the revenue generated
from providing a lifetime of service to your Members.Membership Plan Revenue
Your Practice earns 10% of the Membership Fee because we signed up a new Member through our sales and marketing effort.
You Refer a
Dentist to Us
Patient Treatment Revenue
Your Practice does not earn any treatment revenue because this patient was treated
as a Member of a plan created by a Dentist
you referred.Membership Plan Revenue
Your Practice earns 10% of the Membership Fee because this Member joined a plan from
a Dentist that you referred to our Platform.